Kharhara Gaon Jasne Eid Miladun Nabi

Kharhara Gaon Jasne Eid Miladun Nabi 2016

Kharhara Gaon Jasne Eid miladun Nabi program behaif Kharhara  Gaon Comunity

Kharghar Gaon Jasne


Milad un-Nabi celebrates the birth of Muhammad, the central prophet of Islam. According to historical texts, Muhammad was born in 570 CE in Saudi Arabia. Most scholars of Islam have determined that Muhammad was born on the 12th day of the third month of the Islamic calendar. During his life, Muhammad founded Islam and formed what is now Saudi Arabia as a single kingdom that was devoted to serving God. After Muhammad died in 632 CE, many Muslims began to celebrate his life and his teachings with various informal holidays.

Kharhara Gaon Jasne Eid Miladun Nabi

Despite these various celebratory traditions, the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad was not widely celebrated until Fatima established Milad un-Nabi in Egypt. On the first official celebration of Muhammad’s birthday, Muslims and Islamic scholars gathered at Mosques to pay their respects. Religious sermons and discussions were among some the ways that Muslims honoured Muhammad on the first Milad un-Nabi holiday.

Kharhara jasne Eid Miladun Nabi

After the first Milad un-Nabi celebrations in Egypt, the holiday became common in Islamic communities across the world.

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